Saturday, December 12, 9:30am
is our Parish Reconciliation Service
This is also the first reconciliation for nine of our young parishioners: Cynthia, Isabelle, Cydney, Vanessa, Philip, Kiele, Stevie, Gabby, and Haley.
We are talking in class alot about preparing for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. The students repeatedly mention cleaning up their rooms and cleaning the house in preparation for Christmas.
One of the best ways to prepare our hearts is to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation. It's sort of like a house cleaning of our souls, or taking a spiritual inventory. It can help us to recognize those areas in our lives where we need to do something better.. or maybe stop doing something that is harmful to ourselves or others.
I strongly encourage every family to take advantage of this opportunity on Saturday. In addtition, it is very important for us to show our support and congratulate our nine students. Our older students can model, by their example, that regular celebration of the sacrament of Reconciliation is key to a healthy spiritual life.
One of the biggest draws of the Catholic faith, in my opinion, is the belief in a merciful God. What a wonderful thing we celebrate this Saturday! Come and be a part of it.