Saturday, May 15, 2010

Our Fruits of the Spirit Potluck Dinner is next Saturday evening, May 23 after the 5:15pm mass. Free tickets are available after all masses. (the tickets help us with headcount and seating) We will be having a talent show and a sing-a-long. If you or your families are interested in having an act in the talent show, please contact, Sherry at

May is the month of Mary. We crowned Mary last weekend and presented flowers in her honor. Please continue to bring flowers to mass each weekend during May to keep the arrangements looking fresh throughout the month. This helps us to keep our flower budget down and also it brings a little bit of our homes (and gardens) into the church. You may add your flowers, just before each mass, to the vases at the foot of the statue of Mary. (Remember to shake the flowers upside down, to keep bugs out of the church!)

Fr. Hao going to Holy Family Parish

Fr. Hao announced last weekend that he has been assigned to Holy Family Parish starting on July 1, 2010. Fr. Mark Catalano will be coming on July 1 to be our new pastor. We have had a wonderful five years with Fr. Hao, and we will unwillingly let him go to his new assignment. Stay tuned for details on a reception to bid him farewell.

Do you have what it takes to be a catechist?

We are always in need of new catechists. Please consider sharing your faith next year with the children and teens of our parish. You only need faith in Jesus and a willing heart. Training and support, (and a co-catechist) will be provided for you. Can you answer, "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening"?
Our catechetical program cannot run without the dedication of many faithful catechists. I am truly honored and proud to work with so many wonderful and talented people. Please keep them in your prayers over the summer, that they be refreshed and renewed to continue again in their service in the fall.

I am most grateful to:
Early Childhood:
Nancy Sisneros, Coordinator
Delia Besio, Patricia Soraire

Grade 1:
Eva Rust, Lorene Hughes

Grade 2:
Vicki Schwoob

Grade 3/4:
Pat Arand, Kim Hanrahan

Grade 5:
Marie Beno, Pat Miller

Grade 6:
Sandra Tagatac, Kathy Quick, Kathy Foos

Grade 7:
Judy Machado, Leticia Tapia

Kathy Small, Kathy Quick

One-to-one Catechesis:
Lucy Chai, Dolores Procaccio