Friday, April 23, 2010

May Crowning

This year, on Mother’s Day (May 9), we will have a procession and ceremony to honor Mary as the Mother of God This will take place at the beginning of the 9am mass. If you would like to help with or participate in this ceremony, please contact Sherry in the parish office at 364-8840, or

All children in the parish (male and female) will be invited to participate. On that day, all are invited to bring flowers from your gardens to place in special vases at the foot of Mary’s statue. Children are asked to wear their Easter or First Communion clothes.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring Break for Public Schools

Catechetical classes will not meet this Tuesday, April 13. We will resume class on Tuesday April 20.

There is no Early Childhood class or Confirmation class this weekend, April 11. The Early Childhood Program and Confirmation class will resume on Sunday, April 18.

Youth Choir

The next Youth mass is May 2 at 11am. This is also First Communion Day for several of our young candidates. Choir rehearsals for this liturgy will be Tuesdays, April 20 and April 27 from 5:30-6:30pm. All youth of the parish ages 7-18 are invited to join us. Questions? Contact Pat Miller, or Sherry Scott at

“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!”

Alleluia! He is risen!

Did you know that the early Christians greeted one another with this phrase during the Easter season?

"Alleluia! He is risen."

To which one would reply,"He is truly risen." or "He is risen indeed."

Now that Easter Sunday is over, how can we continue to celebrate the resurrection throughout these 50 days? Some ideas include receiving the Eucharist more often, using the Easter greeting above with one another, making hot cross buns or paschal bread for the family, performing random acts of kindness to a stranger.

Vacation Bible Camp

We are busy making decorations for this summer's Vacation Bible Camp. The theme is SONQuest Rainforest and so we are making snakes, leopards, monkeys, and lots of other neat things found in the tropical rain forest. If you would like to come by and help us, we are working on Tuesdays at 4-5pm and also from 7-8pm. Our remaining decorating dates are: April 20, 27 and May 4 and 11. Teens can get service hour credit for helping out! If you would prefer to take things home to work on, please make arrangements with Sherry at 364-8840 or

Easter Egg Hunt

Thank you! To the many anonymous donors of candy and plastic eggs for our Easter Egg Hunt last week. Praise be to God that the weather held, and the rain came after the eggs were found! This event would not have been possible with the help of: Tim Scott, Robert Scott, Ellen Scott, Madisen Lindsey, Rachel Moore, Sara Lennon, Katie DiLeo, Amanda Lavond, Jose Tapia, Augustin Tapia, Alberto Tapia, Kim Hanrahan, Isabelle Defrenne, Jackson Lennon, Luisa Lennon, and Maria Panelli.